Friday, April 10, 2009


Bill Murphy, Quiz Bowl coach and Social Studies teacher, writes: I am very pleased and proud to report that the HHS team won the Vermont Scholars Bowl championship on April 4 and the New Hampshire Quiz Bowl League championship the next day. This is the second year in a row that we have won both state championships.

In Vermont, Hanover defeated Bellows Free Academy/St. Albans in the play-in-match (310-195), Rice Memorial in the semifinals (275-250), and Mount Mansfield in the finals (305-250). The Hanover team was composed of Nick O'Leary, Nick Sinnott-Armstrong, Aaron Watanabe and Gabe Brison, with Jaden Gladstone as the alternate. On April 14 the Vermont Board of Education recognized the HHS team for its achievement.

In New Hampshire Hanover defeated seven teams in round robin play. We defeated Phillips Exeter by one point in overtime and Oyster River by one point in regulation time. The Hanover team was composed of Nick Sinnott-Armstrong, Aaron Watanabe, Gabe Brison and Eleanor Reid.

The victories mean that we have qualified for a national tournament at Disney World, Chicago, or Washington with the expenses paid for by the league. HHS draws students from both NH and Vermont, and is able to compete in both leagues.