Coach Dan O'Rourke writes: Adults call him Joe. Kids call him Mr. T. He views himself as "The Driver of Champions." He is Joe Trottier of White River Junction, VT who says, "I'll bet that in the last few years I've driven more championship high-school teams than any other bus driver in the state of New Hampshire."
Joe has driven school buses and motor coaches for 14-plus years including many sports trips. Now he drives for JRB Transportation and First Student, Inc. However it wasn't until 2004 when he returned to JRB full-time that he began driving more charter coach trips. Many of those have been sports trips, mostly for Hanover High athletic teams. "I love sports and I love being with kids," he says. "The kids at Hanover High are great kids and are respectful to me, other adults, and their opponents." His passion for sports and being a part of kids' lives is what cultivated the bond that he has developed with the teams at HHS. Mr. T has driven almost every boys' and girls' team to an away contest and will typically work the maximum allowed 70 hours at times during busy months.
"Hanover sports teams," Joe says, "are extremely talented and dedicated. It's amazing how they have dominated almost every sport in their division in NH and regionally." Since 2004 Mr. T has been the driver at the helm for several state championship teams including football, boys' and girls' soccer, boys' and girls' basketball, boys' and girls' hockey, and boys' lacrosse. Thus, the moniker "The Driver of Champions."
Mr. T never imagined this would happen. "I didn't foresee me becoming the unofficial bus driver of Hanover High sports. It just sort of evolved that way over the years. My job as a driver doesn't have any benefits but you can't place a dollar amount on the joy I get from seeing the kids on and off the court or field. It's been my good fortune to be a part of the Hanover High School athletic program. My most memorable moment was at this year's boys' hockey banquet when Coach Dodds presented me with a copy of the team's memories photo-album. I was very surprised and proud when I opened it up to find a full-page 'Thank you Mr. T...' and a photo of myself." The caption says, "Mr. T, thanks for driving us 1,943 miles."
On behalf of the many coaches who know "Mr. T," I would like to thank him for his dedication to the athletic program at HHS, but, more importantly, to the kids whom he serves year after year.
Friday, May 16, 2008
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9:19 PM