Thursday, October 23, 2008


Five brave teachers, some dressed in garbage bags, shower caps or lab goggles, encouraged students (and one teacher!) to throw pies at them last week in the atrium.
Rachel Woods, class of 2010, writes: Mr. Falcone got it easy, wearing a lab coat and goggles. Mr. Donnelly, however, ended up with pie in his hair, face, and all over his orange polo shirt. Although students would not need an excuse to pie their teachers, there was a purpose to the pie-ing. For three years now, the annual Teacher Pie-ing has been the opening fundraiser for Operation Day's Work, a student club that supports a different charitable organization each calendar year. The 2008 project is the Kigutu Health Clinic run by Partners in Health in the African country of Burundi. The clinic provides healthcare at a minimal cost to people in the village of Kigutu, with an emphasis on treating and preventing AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. The $226 raised by Mr. Falcone, Mr. Donnelly, Ms. Alsup, Mr. Jenisch, Mr. Lavigne and the students of Hanover High will go directly to the clinic. Thank you to all these teachers, MC Jake VanLeer, and the custodial staff who made it possible!

The photos show, from left, Mr. Falcone, before and after; Ms. Alsup, holding a sign asking "Have you ever seen such cruelty?" from the movie Blazing Saddles; and Mr. Donnelly smushed by Emma Rottersman, class of 2010.